Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you will find the information you are looking for. Take your time, look around, and discover what I can offer. If you need more information or to discuss bespoke services, please get in touch for a face to face meeting or a call.
I am Karen Webb Green and have been delivering in the fitness and wellness industry for over 35 years. I've seen a lot change due to new methods and research and I am constantly increasing my knowledge and skills base through my own training, workshops and courses delivered by leading organisations and individuals in the fields of both fitness, wellness and medicine.
As a former gymnast and generally sporty child, I chose to start my working life as a gymnastics coach, where strength building, flexibility, injury prevention and recovery were important, as was teaching my gymnasts to be mentally prepared for competitions, focused during training, and resilient during periods of injury.
Whilst continuing my work delivering children's sport and fitness, I diversified into teaching aerobics. At the same time I formalising my training in other areas, through college and university, gaining a degree in Sport and Recreation Studies (which included the study of physiology and psychology as well as health related fitness, and further coaching skills in a range of sports).
After considering further study in health related fitness and sports medicine, I opted for a career in leisure management - retaining and utilising my passion for teaching. During my career, I set up a patient referral scheme with a physiotherapy unit where I had been treated for knee injuries, worked with the local NHS trust and other charities developing a Healthy Living Centre as part of a £5m leisure centre development and developed the branding and co-ordinated the Kids Club children's health scheme, sponsored by Ribena.
From a career in the leisure and fitness industry spanning over 30 years, to training and developing volunteers and managing museums, I have taken some time out during my personal experience of injuries and bouts of prolonged illness, (which left me feeling both physically and mentally exhausted and unable to cope with many everyday tasks).
I have come full circle, now with a vast amount of knowledge and experience - returning to exercise and health as my full time focus and developing my Fit2Relax and Taking Back Your Power programmes for those starting their health journey as well as those looking to develop further or regain their health. I have worked with a broad range of organisations, from charities helping the homeless, and others supporting families with autisic young people, to Team London Bridge and major banks and fitness clubs, so please get in touch to see what I can offer you or your organisation.
Choosing to live a healthy life for me, is about taking control of your health and life to help achieve your dreams. Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a whole lifestyle and a continuous journey of adaptation and change.
I began practising Yoga and Tai chi which helped me cope with a stressful job, but it was a sustain
Choosing to live a healthy life for me, is about taking control of your health and life to help achieve your dreams. Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a whole lifestyle and a continuous journey of adaptation and change.
I began practising Yoga and Tai chi which helped me cope with a stressful job, but it was a sustained period of illness that helped me to truly ‘find’ yoga with its varied breathing techniques, and its value as an effective method of recovery – both physically and mentally. Trigger Point Pilates, with yoga, helped to re-build my physical and mental strength and enabled me to keep pursuing my dreams... and climb those physical and mental mountains (or temples in my case - The Temple of the Sun in Palenque, Mexico after my illness above).
Now I try to combine nutritional awareness with activities and hobbies that create Total Health and Fitness - not just a focus on physical fitness.
My focus throughout my career has always been on helping others to achieve their potential and encouraging them to pursue their dreams – be that through formal training, individual mentoring and coaching, or simply being someone to listen and bounce ideas off.
Taking Back Your Power is now a Community Interest Company, to offer a more div
My focus throughout my career has always been on helping others to achieve their potential and encouraging them to pursue their dreams – be that through formal training, individual mentoring and coaching, or simply being someone to listen and bounce ideas off.
Taking Back Your Power is now a Community Interest Company, to offer a more diverse programme including GP Referrals, support for Cancer patients and their support networks and for those battling mental health issues. Formed with likeminded and experienced practitioners, it will enable a greater range of options through our ability to apply for grant funding and delivering with and for other organisations and charities.
In 2022 I took my CanRehab Instructor Qualification to enable me to work with and support those going through a cancer journey, having seen the effect on many individuals lives.
I have a range of qualifications to enable me to work with children and pregnant women, amongst other specialist populations.
I am also working in partnership with KR Fitness Education, to train others to follow their fitness and teaching dreams.
Whilst the mantra of 'no pain no gain' may still have its fans, it is not for me! – My mantra now is ‘there is always an alternative, even if this is just to rest and breathe’, or to take a different path. You need to learn to listen to your own body and recognise when it does need to rest physically and realise that ‘mental exercise’
Whilst the mantra of 'no pain no gain' may still have its fans, it is not for me! – My mantra now is ‘there is always an alternative, even if this is just to rest and breathe’, or to take a different path. You need to learn to listen to your own body and recognise when it does need to rest physically and realise that ‘mental exercise’ can be a powerful force in your recovery and development. We don’t physically have to ‘go for the burn’, what our mind and body really need are the skills to make it stronger, more able to adapt and to cope better with life’s challenges – physically, mentally and emotionally. As the saying goes, life is a journey, there are up’s and downs and the path may be winding or blocked at times, but a guide with good local knowledge can help, and also point us towards new discoveries along the way. Sometimes we just have to accept that we can’t always do it alone... so now let me help you - let me guide YOU in finding new ways to support YOUR body and mind, so that in time, you can be your own guide and through learning and understanding, can discover you own ways to a healthier future.
We're 'embracing the new normal' by offering a range of face to face and online sessions via Zoom.
This includes Mobility Pilates, Trigger Point Pilates, Relaxation and 1:1's which can focus on anything!
My monthly membership ensures classes are viable and available to as many as possible - so that when and if you're ready to venture back indoors or outdoors you can, or if you find it more practical and comfortable to participate at home, there are options for that too.
Check out my booking site to find out what's on -
Coming soon to Warriors Fitness Centre in Buxton
and to The Yoga Den
I'll be offering a range of courses and classes including sports injury rehabilitation for back and hips, a shoulder injury and surgery course, and a 4 week course designed specifically to enhance your yoga practise with releases for hips, shoulders and hamstrings.
Get in touch or visit the booking site to register interest.
I run 5 week programmes of Shhh!- Trigger Point Pilates for Pelvic floor and women's health and introducing Trigger Point Pilates Evolve - a wider health programme focused around hormonal changes pre/post and during menopause. In these sessions we'll focus more on breathing and exercises including self massage for relaxation and talk about other factors which can affect your mind and body including nutrition, hydration and what foods to include and try and cut down to improve mood, focus, weight gain/loss and for immune support.
The 5 week course via Zoom is £50 and you'll get a resource pack including samples of herbal teas and a few little things to help with relaxation. Contact me for full information.
There will be more information on my services and events every month
This website is updated at least once a month. Last updated: 08/03/2025
Tel: +44 (0)7815886247