Join me at Poole's Cavern in Buxton to celebrate the Pink Full Moon
Sunday 13th April 6.30-8.30pm.
After a short introduction to Nature's Rythmn Yoga and the influences the moon can have on our body and mind, we'll enter the Cavern for a standing full moon balancing practise. Emerging back into the warmth of the cafe, we'll enjoy a selection of pink herbal teas before setting off on a guided walk up to Solomon's Temple to view the sunset (weather permitting). Download the niformation above.
Join me at Grin Low Country Park in the specialist Forest School area to celebrate Earth Day with a guided walk to learn about the woodland work saving energy and discover how to make your own. Enjoy a family fun yoga to discover you own tree and find the grounding strength of the oak to help create calm. Hot drinks will bew provided. For more information download the information above or to book,
I'll be running a 4 week course focused on releasing long term issues and trauma around the sacral area, to open up hips, release tension and pain to enable you to move your yoga practise even further forward.
Myofacial release can uncover and address pelvic, hip and back pain that often goes misdiagnosed and restricts many yoga postures. This session is also ideal for anyone attending yoga nidra and aerial sessions Get in touch to register your interest
Join me for this introductory session to Nature's Ryhthm Yoga - a new style working more closely aligned with the energies of nature and the moon cycles, the session introduces the four main phases of the moon and focuses on breath work, asanas and a flow sequence to compliment the moons phase. To book get in touch, places are limited.
I will be running a number of sessions for Imperial College, Actio for the NHS and sessions open to anyone as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. Some sessions are free, others are donation based.
3 tasters sessions to celebrate and focus on inner strength. Take back your power over your health and fitness journey.
In the morning there are 2 half hour sessions - an introduction to myofascial release & self massage, and a session focused on pelvic health & core strength.
At 6.30pm there will be a New Moon workshop focused on moving things forward, setting new challenges for your yoga journey and finding new strength.
Join me for a stimulating, goal setting session for each New Moon , or a releasing Full Moon practise
Online at each New and Full Moon and coming soon to the Yoga Den, Buxton
Specific sessions tailored to the Autumn and Spring Equinox. Details coming soon.
For anyone wanting to explore further and for more tailored practises.
The EVOLVE programme is supporting those women going through or having symptoms of menopause - and is also suitable for any women over 30 who want to find out more and be prepared!
I ran a 5 week course for Imperial College, London on line in November and started a second in February. You can find out more about the EVOLVE sessions in general on the Trigger Point Pilates page.
Shhh! focuses more on pelvic floor and general women's health and again is suitable for those suffering and those wishing to prevent issues involving pelvic floor including incontinence and prolapse.
In December I ran a 12 days of Shhh! Pelvic health challenge via Whats App and will be running this again later in the year.
Both courses are £50 for 5 weekly sessions and the 12 day challenges are £12.
You will need your own Trigger Point Pilates kit or alternatives.
This workshop for Earth Day was delivered as part of the Moving Forward Feeling Balanced Project and included a talk by one of the YMCA Lifestyle Award Learners on anxiety.
We also made 'wellness resource boxes' and tried out Nature's Rythmn Yoga - a grounding New Moon class.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and a East Ham based community assembly project, we talked about the 5 Ways to Wellness, mental health first aid, reframing negative thoughts and what made us 'anxious'. We then made our own 'happiness support boxes' , based on the 5 Ways to Wellness.
Come and join me for a trigger point session focusing on self love - after all, you deserve it! Have a go at trigger point massage - great for pelvic area health and digestion with some exercises and breathing techniques to release neck tension and generally make you feel relaxed.
You can do some of the class seated, so come watch/have a go if you’re not quite sure about lying on a mat.
March 8th is International Women's Day
Karen from KR Fitness Education will be joining me to offer base level fitness testing and advice on goal setting, I'll be introducing the Shhh Pelvic health trigger point sessions and we'll talk healthy food, hydration and food diaries.
This session was supported by A London Borough of Newham Lets Get the Party Started grant.
Why struggle with back pain? Non- specific lower back pain affects many people and has many causes. Often the medical profession just suggest 'rest' or painkillers. This rarely result in long term improvements, only short term relief.
We look at exercises using spiky balls to combat trigger points in the body, plus traditional Pilates and standing phyiotherapy based exercises to both release and strengthen lower back, hips and shoulders which can cause referred pain.
Take back your power over your own health. Learn relaxation and visualisation techniques a well as exercises - stress and anxiety can lead to back pain.
Diet and hydration also play a key role. Explore simple ways to help you back. You get a goody bag to take away at the end of the session.
This project was funded by Custom House and Canning Town Community Assembly.
It consisted of two parts: a practical falls prevention programme, looking at both mental and physical balance, and a lifestyle training programme - with funded places on a YMCA Level 1 Lifestyle Award course.
Group sessions - Yoga, Pilates, short walks and workshops.
These sessions were run in Newham by activeNewham as part of a TfL funded project.
I continue to offer online support and 1:1 sessions for any woman who is thinking of starting a family, through pregnancy to post birth recovery.
In 2024 I hope to start similar sessions in Buxton.
Hoping to start these in Buxton in Spring 2024, including health walk, buggy sessions and maybe even Dog Yoga!
Fit2Relax and KR Fitness Education ran this free day of workshops and activities funded by a London Borough of Newham Let's Get the Party Started grant.
The day included a Fit2Relax gentle seated and standing workout - designed to help care for your spine as well as helping to detox mind and body.
The importance of keeping hydrated for health and fitness and ways to do this were discussed in an interactive workshop and samples of a range of herbal teas designed to help hydrate and detox your body. were available throughout the day and participants also took home a Fit2Relax reusable water bottle, to encourage them to drink more water and cut down on plastic.
What is healthy eating and a 'balanced diet'? Karen at KR Fitness Education looked at current recommendations and food labeling, as well as goal setting. In the afternoon we concentrated on food diaries and practical ways to change your eating habits.
Healthy food
To be kept up to date with events and, subscribe to my quarterly newsletter.
Fit2Relax.London is now working in collaboration with KR Fitness Education to offer a range of introductory level health and fitness courses including the YMCA Level 1 Award in Fitness and Physical Activity and the Level 1 Award in Lifestyle Management. More info can be found in the downloadable leaflets below.